
Benton Sweater

Adi looks great in this Benton sweater. I am so excited to have finished it! One of my knitting goals this year was to try to become a sweater knitter - I have a long way to go, but one is more than none! Details are on Ravelry. The Brooklyn Tweed Loft yarn is woolly goodness.  It knits up to be a great weight with a nice drape.  Scratchy and stiff in the skein it softens up and blooms when it is washed. 

 I never mind knitting up all of the pieces (the pieces were finished a couple of months ago) but sewing them together is a sticking point. At the Nordic Knitting conference this year I was able to take a finishing class with Cirilia Rose that gave me a lot of confidence. All of the stripes left ends for sewing up - even though it is not recommended to sew up with this yarn - since the strips are relatively narrow I felted the yarn a little bit and it worked great.  Some sock yarn for sewing in the sleeves - so they don't fall off.

Success!  Yay!  

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