
Christmas Hats

This was the Christmas of the Hat - it's fun to knit for the nephews and one niece (of course we didn't take photos of them all).  Brandon in the Pirates hat. The hem has his name knit in.  So proud to help him keep warm while he's working on the runway at the airport in all kinds of freezing weather. I see Zack could use a little more length in his Wylam hat by Katya Frankel. James in Simonside. Bret is wearing the New York - A Man's Hat that has a particularly fetching decrease at the crown (he was more pleased than he looks).  They were all stash busters, can't go wrong there.  Just had to put in some time and love. Check out my Ravelry page if you want to see the whole bevy of hats. Love all of these cuties. 

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